
domingo, setembro 05, 2021

How is Brazil, for a Brazilian.

 Hello World!

I'm Marcelo Vardanega, from Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil.

I write this post in English, so that this message can reach more people, I am using an automatic translator to write, because my English is not the best, but we here, read the news in English, regularly, we are aware of the things that are happening in the United States, Australia and several other countries, and I need to let you know how things are here.

Brazil is a giant country, and it was supposed to be a federative republic.

This Federative Republic was imposed on the Brazilian people by an elite that usurped the power of the Royal Family descended from the Portuguese. This happened in 1889. Brazil IMPÉRIO was commanded by Dom Pedro II, who was expelled from Brazil with the proclamation of the REPUBLIC, on November 15, 1889.

It is very important to understand how the Federative Republic of Brazil was created, as this birth explains much of what happened in the following years.

This "republic" was imposed by people who wanted to take control of this great nation, as they saw that there was a lot of value in the land and in the people and they wanted these resources only for themselves.

And that was how the "traditional" families of our policy were created in Brazil, people and their children and grandchildren who until today control states, entire regions in a good part of this nation.

 Today, we have countless descendants of these families in high-ranking positions in the Brazilian state, in addition to all the external interference of globalist scavengers, who finance all kinds of movements with the potential to create chaos and disunity among Brazilians.

Today, we have the first president of the republic to talk to the PEOPLE, who decided to break this chain of thieving politicians. Our previous presidents, they supported Chavez, they supported Fidel, they supported Maduro, our current president REPUTS them all. That's the difference between the president we have and the ones we had.

Our current president does not accept the dishonest game that has been presented as normal until today in this country. Our current president is calling for the elections to be clean, not to use obscure machines, he asks for the votes to be counted, one by one. Political leaders and the justice system are against these measures. They want to keep power. They want to overthrow our president, at all costs.

And I write here, in English, because the PRESS is also together in this exploration plan for this nation, that's right, they alone want to explore this nation, which should belong to the people, which should belong to the people, but they act as if was a toy.


If you've read this far, leave me a comment.

I'll leave you a video of a friend from another state, who recorded in English for you some more comments on what is happening here.

Thanks for the visit;

Come back and let's keep in touch!

Extra! =>

Use an automatic translator and read this article in Portuguese explaining how in Brazil the Government is taking over the means of production, exactly as the communists ask for it, but without being the owner of the means of production. Are we living in a socialist state disguised as a capitalist federative republic? It is absolutely surreal what we live here in Brazil today.

article: https://www.mises.org.br/Article.aspx?id=3035

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